PhD Open Days 2024 - 10th edition
More than one thousand PhD students sharing their researchInstituto Superior Técnico @ Técnico Innovation Center
Deadline: October, 21
About the event
We are thrilled to invite you to the 10th edition of the PhD Open Days, organized by the Técnico Doctoral School, a key component of Técnico Lisboa!
This event provides a unique opportunity for over a thousand PhD students to connect, network, and showcase their research to the academic community, industry professionals, and alumni. The PhD Open Days will kick off with the traditional Welcome Reception for newly enrolled PhD students, featuring the introduction of the newly established “Técnico Doctoral School”. Alongside a permanent poster exhibition displaying the latest research conducted by PhD students, the event will include debates on cutting-edge scientific topics, student discussions about their PhD journeys, an alumni session where former PhD students will share their inspiring career paths, and a Pitch competition.
On the afternoon of the first day, the event will host the “Técnico Innovation Summit”, a public exhibition highlighting key activities and scientific outcomes from the PRR Mobilizing Agendas, involving IST researchers. During this exhibition, PhD students will have the opportunity to participate in speed-dating interviews with various companies, gaining insight into the societal challenges, different working cultures, and potential career opportunities.
The event will conclude with a casual Port of Honor, following the traditional “Out of the Box” session, which will feature a well-known Portuguese comedian.
The PhD Open Days will take place on November 4th and 5th at the Técnico Innovation Center. We look forward to seeing you there!
Rules and Templates
Important information for Posters:
- Deadline for applications – October, 21
- Notifications of acceptance – October, 25
- Poster deliver @ Técnico Innovation Center – 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on October, 31
- Poster template
Important information for the Pitch Competition:
- Deadline for applications – October, 21
- Notification of the selected participants – October, 25
- The “Best 3 Pitch presentations” will be awarded at the end of the Session
- Rules & prizes for the Pitch Competition
Important information for the Session “Navigating the Job Market”:
- Deadline for applications – October, 21
- Notification of the selected participants – October, 25
09h45 – 10h10
Opening Session & Welcome Reception to the new PhD Students
Rogério Colaço - President of IST
Miguel Ayala Botto - Vice-President of the Scientific Council
Luís Ferreira - Rector of ULisboa
10h10 – 10h30
Técnico Doctoral School
Leonel Sousa - Coordinator of the Técnico Doctoral School
10h30 – 11h00
Poster Session with coffee break
11h00 – 12h00
Invited Talk: "The importance of research and doctorates in the development of societies"
António Feijó - President of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
12h00 – 14h00
Lunch break
14h00 – 18h00
Técnico Innovation Summit
Rogério Colaço - President of IST
Pedro Amaral - Vice-President for Operations and Enterprise Relationships @ IST
14h00 – 16h00
Navigating the Job Market - Part I
Miguel Gonçalves - CEO @ Magma Studio
16h00 – 16h30
Poster Session with coffee break
16h30 – 18h00
Navigating the Job Market - Part II
Miguel Gonçalves - CEO @ Magma Studio
09h30 – 10h30
Round Table: "Research in Artificial Intelligence: prospects, opportunities, and caveats"
Arlindo Oliveira - Full Professor @ DEI/IST
Mário Figueiredo - Full Professor @ DEEC/IST
Chrysoula Zerva - Assistant Professor @ DEI/IST
Sara Sá - Moderator/ Science Writer @ INESC-ID
10h30 – 11h00
Poster Session with coffee break
11h00 – 12h00
Alumni Session
Elsa Abranches - Senior Director @ AstraZeneca
Miguel Sérgio Lourenço -Technical Director @ JSJ, Structural Engineering
Carla Pepe Lewark - CEO @ Aerogearbox International
12h00 – 14h00
Lunch break
14h00 – 15h00
Round Table: "Every Step Matters: Stories from the PhD Journey"
Organized by the Técnico PhD Student Hub
15h00 – 16h30
Pitch Competition
16h30 – 17h00
Poster Session with coffee break
17h00 – 18h00
Presentation of the Conselho Nacional para a Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (CNCTI)
Luís Montenegro - Prime Minister
Fernando Alexandre - Minister of Education, Science and Innovation
Pedro Reis - Minister of Economy
18h00 – 19h00
Out of the Box Session: "What if ?... A conversation about mental health"
António Raminhos - humorist
19h00 – 19h15
Closing Ceremony & Port of Honor
Rogério Colaço - President of IST
Opening Session & Welcome Reception to the new PhD Students

Rogério Colaço
President of IST

Miguel Ayala Botto
Vice-President of the Scientific Council

Luís Ferreira
Rector of ULisboa
Técnico Doctoral School

Leonel Sousa
Coordinator of the Técnico Doctoral School
Invited Talk: "The importance of research and doctorates in the development of societies"

António Feijó
President of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
António Feijó is President of the Administration Board of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation since May 2022.
He is a Full Professor in the Department of English Studies and the Program in Literary Theory at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon.
He has served as Director of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Vice-Rector, and Pro-Rector of the University of Lisbon. He was also the Director of the University of Lisbon Press and the University of Lisbon Journal.
He holds a PhD in English and American Literature from Brown University (1985) and an MA in English and American Literature from the State University of New York at Albany (1979).
He is the author of books and essays on topics related to English, American, and Portuguese literature, as well as translations and stage adaptations (including Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, Hamlet, and King Lear, and works by Oscar Wilde and Fernando Pessoa, among others).
He has curated exhibitions on literature at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (2008) and the Cupertino de Miranda Foundation (2018, in collaboration).
He was the Chair of the Independent General Council of RTP (Portugal’s public television broadcaster).
He was a Non-Executive Director of the Casa de Mateus Foundation.
He served as a Non-Executive Member of the Administration Board of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation from 2018 to 2022.
Técnico Innovation Summit

Rogério Colaço
President of IST

Pedro Amaral
Vice-President for Operations and Enterprise Relationships @ IST
Round Table: "Research in Artificial Intelligence: prospects, opportunities, and caveats"

Arlindo Oliveira
Full Professor @ DEI/IST
Arlindo Oliveira obtained his BSc and MSc degrees from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and his PhD degree from the University of California at Berkeley. He is a distinguished professor of IST, president of the INESC group, member of the board of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, researcher at INESC-ID, and member of the National Council for Science, Technology and Innovation and of the Advisory Board of the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Panel of the European Parliament. He authored three books, translated into different languages, and hundreds of scientific and newspaper articles. He has been on the boards of several companies and institutions and is a past president of IST, of the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence, and of INESC-ID. He was the head of the Portuguese Node of the European Network for Biological Data (ELIXIR), visiting professor at MIT, and a researcher at CERN, INESC, Cadence Research Laboratories and Electronics Research Labs of UC Berkeley. He is a member of the Portuguese Academy of Engineering and a senior member of IEEE. He received several prizes and distinctions, including the Technical University of Lisbon / Santander prize for excellence in research, in 2009.

Mário Figueiredo
Full Professor @ DEEC/IST
Mário Figueiredo is a Distinguished Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and holds the Feedzai Chair on Machine Learning. He is a group leader at Instituto de Telecomunicações. His interests include statistical machine learning, signal processing, and optimization. He has received several honors and awards, namely: Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), of the International Association forPattern Recognition (IAPR), of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), and of ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems); IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award, Baker Award (IEEE), Pierre Devijver Award (IAPR), EURASIP Technical Achievement Award. He is a member of the Portuguese Academy of Engineering and a corresponding member of the Lisbon Academy of Science. From 2014 to 2018 he was included in the annual list “Highly Cited Researchers”.

Chrysoula Zerva
Assistant Professor @ DEI/IST
Chrysoula (Chryssa) Zerva is an Assistant Professor for Artificial Intelligence at IST and a researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) in Lisbon. She is a member of the European Laboratory for Learning & Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) and LUMLIS, the Lisbon Unit for Learning & Intelligent Systems. She obtained her PhD in 2019 from the University of Manchester on “Automated Identification of Textual Uncertainty”. In 2019 she also received the EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship and in 2021, she joined IT as a postdoc for the DeepSPIN project.
She is a co-PI in the Centre for Responsible AI project, a PRR initiative for trustworthy, sustainable, fair, and transparent AI. She is also part of the EuroLLM and UTTER projects, leading the work on adaptable and context-aware models. Her research focuses on elucidating uncertainty in machine learning and especially NLP. She also explores topics of explainability, fairness and quality estimation under multilingual and multimodal setups.

Sara Sá - Moderator
Science Writer @ INESC-ID
Sara Sá After more than twenty years as a science and health journalist, at Visão newsmagazine and Exame Informática (printed, online and TV), Sara Sá has joined the Communications and Outreach Office of INESC-ID. As a journalist she has had the opportunity to report at 5000 meters high, in the Atacama Desert, and to accompany outstanding medical procedures. She has also interviewed renowned scientist, some of them Nobel laureates. She is a multi-awarded professional, the co-author of the book Cem Mitos Sem Lógica, a mother of two and an Aerospace Engineer.
Round Table: "Every Step Matters: Stories from the PhD Journey"

Alexandre Athayde - Moderator
PhD Student @ IST

Catarina Vieira
PhD Student @ IST
Catarina Vieira completed her Master’s degree in Materials Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico in 2022, followed by a year of research experience. She is currently entering her second year as a PhD student, focusing her research work on the diagnostics of Li-ion batteries for second-life applications, with the goal of contributing to more sustainable energy solutions.

José M. Orench
PhD Student @ IST
José M. Orench is currently enrolled in a study cycle leading to the doctoral degree in Chemistry at Universidade de Lisboa – Instituto Superior Técnico since September 2023. Recently, his work is on hydrothermal vent biogeochemistry and protocell formation with an emphasis on astrobiology and the origin of life. He has earned a Master of Science in Biological Sciences at Northern Illinois University and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Microbiology at the Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez – Universidad de Puerto Rico. His research interests lie in the frontier of human space exploration and Earth’s evolutionary history. He wishes to understand the evolutionary history responsible for microbial metabolisms, such as photosynthesis, their development, driven evolution, and their possible applications to the search of life in the universe.

Diogo Nunes
PhD Student @ IST
Diogo Nunes completed his Master’s in Informatics and Computer Engineering in January 2021 from the University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), and a Bachelor’s degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering in 2018 from the same institution. He has been attending the PhD course in Informatics and Computer Engineering at the University of Lisbon, IST, since February 2021, under the supervision of professors David Martins de Matos (IST) and Joana Ferreira Gomes (Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto). He is an Early Stage Researcher at the Institute of Systems and Computer Engineering Research and Development in Lisbon (INESC-ID), at the Human Language Technology (HLT) laboratory, since 2019. His research is focused on the natural language processing of the language of (chronic) pain for the clinical assessment of pain and patient empowerment.

Catarina Botelho
PhD Student @ IST
Catarina Botelho received the Integrated Master’s degree in in Biomedical Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico in 2018. Currently, she is a doctoral candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering, at INESC-ID and Instituto Superior Técnico. She was a research intern at Google AI, Toronto, and a visitor researcher at the Cognitive Systems Lab, University of Bremen. She was involved in the student advisory committee of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA-SAC), from 2020 to 2023, acting as Coordinator in 2022.
Her scientific interests focus on speech and language technology and applied machine learning for healthcare.

Jorge Marques Silva
PhD Alumni @ IST
Jorge is a Control System Application Engineer at Amp X, specializing in energy system optimization and model predictive control. He focuses on algorithms like forecasting modeling, inverse model-based control, and genetic algorithms optimization, using Python, MATLAB, Simulink, and C#.
Since March 2023, Jorge has coordinated the “Comboios de Bicicletas de Lisboa” school mobility program at Bicicultura, managing safe bicycle routes for children. He also worked with Lisbon City Council as part of the management team.
He holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s in Electrical and Computer Engineering, completed Erasmus exchanges in Delft and Barcelona, and earned a PhD in Sustainable Energy Systems from the MIT Portugal Program, with research at MIT funded by a Fulbright Research Grant.
Alumni Session

Elsa Abranches
Senior Director @ AstraZeneca
Elsa Abranches is a Senior Director and Head of Cell Therapy Bioprocess Development and Manufacturing, within the Cell Therapy Department of BioPharmaceuticals R&D at AstraZeneca. Elsa is responsible for leading the section providing translational technology and high-quality cells for pre-clinical research, to enable the efficient development and delivery of Cell Therapy projects to patients. Elsa is currently also the regional treasurer of the European Committee of the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy.
Elsa Abranches is internationally recognized for her expertise in stem cell biotechnology, standardization and Advanced Therapies regulation areas, with over 20 years of experience ranging from applied research through to manufacturing and regulatory compliance of stem cell-derived products.
Elsa has received her degree in Chemical Engineering in 2001 and her Ph.D in Stem Cell Biotechnology in 2006, from the Technical University of Lisbon. Since then, Elsa has delivered on multiple collaborative projects both in Academia and within the UK Regulator (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, MHRA), focused on assuring the quality of clinical grade stem cell lines alongside a program of cell and gene therapy standardisation. Elsa has also been involved in several national and international committees supporting regulatory compliance and delivery of Advanced Therapy Medicinal products.

Miguel Sérgio Lourenço
Technical Director @ JSJ, Structural Engineering
Miguel Sérgio Lourenço
Academic Degrees
Civil Engineering Degree by Instituto Superior Técnico, 1995.
MSc in Structural Engineering by Instituto Superior Técnico, 1999.
PhD in Civil Engineering by Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2010.
Professional, Scientific and Technical activities
Senior Member of Ordem dos Engenheiros and Structural Expert by Ordem dos Engenheiros and IPS
Chairman of WP 2.2.4 of the fib, Federation Internacional du Beton.
Vogal of GPBE (Portuguese member of fib)
Invited Professor at Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
Invited Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico
Technical Director and Partner of the company JSJ, Structural Engineering, Ltd.
Since 1995 he has been developing intense activity in Structural Design, being responsible for more than two hundred projects with varying size and complexity. Along with his professional activity, he has developed an active participation in technical-scientific associations, essentially in topics concerning structural concrete, having published several articles in national and international journals. Also he is very involved in teaching at Universities, essentially in subjects with strong connection with structural design.

Carla Pepe Lewark
CEO @ Aerogearbox International
Carla has a background in Mechanical Engineering, she studied at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon and in Politecnico di Torino. After her degree Carla was part of the first intake of students attending a Master in Engineering Design at IST as well as part of the first edition of the Leaders for Technical Industries doctoral programme (MIT-Portugal Programme).
Carla started her career with an internship in Pininfarina (Italy), followed by 2 years in Lusospace (Lisbon) where she worked designing space qualified products. Carla then spent 15 years in Rolls-Royce in the UK and Germany in a variety of roles leading technical, programme and supply chain global teams.
Carla is currently Chief Executive Officer in Aerogearbox International (AGI), a company that designs and manufactures accessory gearboxes for Rolls-Royce jet engines. AGI is a joint venture between Rolls-Royce and Safran Transmissions Systems located in France, Germany, UK and Poland.
Jury of the Pitch Competition

Luis Caldas de Oliveira - President of the Jury
Assistant Professor @ DEEC/IST

Frederico Fiúza
Full Professor @ DF/IST
Frederico Fiuza is a Professor of Physics at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, and a Visiting Professor at Stanford University. He obtained his master’s degree in Engineering Physics in 2007 and his PhD in Physics in 2012, both from IST. Before returning to IST in 2023, he spent 11 years in the United States, where he was a Lawrence Fellow at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and a Senior Staff Scientist and Theory Group Leader at Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. His current scientific interests focus on cosmic ray acceleration, plasma physics, and inertial fusion. Frederico’s research in these areas has been recognized by the American Physical Society (APS) with the Thomas H. Stix Award in 2018, the John Dawson Award in 2020 and the Landau Spitzer Award in 2024. In 2022, the European Research Council awarded him a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant. In 2023, he was elected a Kavli Fellow by the National Academy of Sciences in the United States and an APS Fellow by the American Physical Society.

Zita Martins
Associate Professor @ DEQ/IST
She graduated in Chemistry from IST in 2002 and obtained her PhD in Astrobiology from the Leiden University (The Netherlands) in 2007. She was an Invited Scientist at NASA Goddard (USA) in 2005 and 2006, and an Invited Professor at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France) in 2012. She worked at Imperial College London (United Kingdom) from 2007 to the end of 2017. In 2009, she was awarded a University Research Fellowship worth 1 million pounds by the Royal Society. Since January 2018 she is an Associate Professor at IST (Portugal). She created the first Astrobiology and Cosmochemistry laboratory in Portugal, and she co-created the Minor of Extreme Environments at IST. From 2019 to 2023 she was Co-Director of the MIT Program-Portugal. And since 2019 she is the Sub-Director of the College of Polar and Extreme Environments (POLAR2E) at the University of Lisbon.
Zita Martins has actively participated in space missions. She is co-investigator of two projects (OREOcube and EXOcube) of the European Space Agency (ESA) that will be installed on the International Space Station (ISS). She is a Community Scientist on the ARIEL mission (ESA), she is a member of the Insoluble organic matter team of the Hayabusa2 mission (JAXA), and member of the Comet Interceptor mission (ESA). She chairs the Expert Team “Moons of the Giant Planets” from ESA, and the Solar System Exploration Working Group (SSEWG) from ESA.
Zita Martins is a science communicator, having given numerous interviews in international media. She was selected by the BBC TV channel as Expert Scientist Women. Her portrait was painted for the Royal Society’s exhibition on successful women in science, and the portrait now resides permanently at the Royal Society’s headquarters in London. In 2015, Zita Martins was appointed Officer of the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword by the President of Portugal for exceptional and outstanding merits in science.

Frederico Francisco
Senior Consultant @ TIS - Transport, Innovation and Systems
Frederico Francisco, 38 years-old, born in Cascais, Portugal. He currently works as a Senior Consultant at TIS – Transport, Innovation and Systems and is also teaching Physics at the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto.
He has a Master’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering (2009, Instituto Superior Técnico) and a Ph.D. in Physics (2014, Instituto Superior Técnico). He did research in Fundamental Physics in Space, where he has more than two dozen papers published in journals and conferences. He received the 2018 Zeldovich Medal from the Russian Academy of Sciences and COSPAR (Commission on Space Research). He also developed research work in rail transport, where he participated in European projects.
Between 2019 and 2023, he worked in the Office of the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing of Portugal, where he coordinated the preparation of the National Railway Plan and accompanied all the preparation for the launch of the Porto – Lisbon High Speed Line.
He was Secretary of State for Infrastructure in the Government of Portugal between January 2023 and April 2024.

Rafael Afonso
Project Manager @ EWF
Rafael is a Project Manager at EWF with a vast experience in manufacturing. He was also a researcher at the IDMEC research unit until 2023, where his research work was focused on joining by plastic deformation, in which he published more than 25 publications resulting from the development of different joining solutions.
With a strong connection to teaching, he was an Invited Assistant Professor at the University of Lisbon from 2017 to 2023 and currently, he is responsible for the course of Manufacturing Processes at the Atlântica University. Over the years, he taught content related to manufacturing, standardisation, quality control, metrology, additive manufacturing and non-conventional technologies.
Simultaneously, he provided consultancy for some manufacturing companies, contributing to the optimization and update of its processes, as well as implementing several significant improvements.
Out of the Box Session: "What if ?... A conversation about mental health"

António Raminhos
António Raminhos was born in 1980 (a leap year that started on a Tuesday and ended on a Wednesday), much to the dismay of his parents. That same year, Sporting won the national championship, and José Cid won the Festival da Canção. Some say, however, that the birth of little António was a form of divine compensation for the loss, in that same year, of geniuses like Jean-Paul Sartre, Alfred Hitchcock, Vinicius de Moraes, and John Lennon. Thirty-seven years later, that theory remains unproven.
Professionally, he started out quite poorly, aiming for poverty, as he worked as a journalist (for A Capital newspaper and RTP). When he found himself unemployed, he decided to give humor a try. He took to the stage for the first time in 2006, and for reasons still unclear, people liked it. Since then, he hasn’t stopped trying to be funny. He wrote columns for Maxmen, gained fame on TV shows like 5 Para a Meia-Noite and Dança com as Estrelas, and created a highly successful internet talk show called Banheira das Vaidades. More recently, he became one of the voices of Café da Manhã on RFM, with the segment “As Marias”. The show of the same name sold out venues across the country, and now comes the book of the same name, which is truly spectacular.
Despite all these more or less impressive accomplishments, the best thing he ever did was winning the heart of his wife, Catarina, with whom he has—so it’s said—conceived his three lovely daughters: Maria Rita, Maria Inês, and Maria Leonor.
Closing Ceremony & Port of Honor

Rogério Colaço
President of IST
Pitch competition with PhD Students
Isabel Doutor
Biomedical Engineering
Hemaxi Narotamo 2nd place
Biotechnology and Biosciences
Inês Vieira Costa
Matilde Marques
Chemical Engineering
Bruna Soares
Catarina Alves
Daniel Costa
Gabriela Caetano
Inês Gomes da Silva
Mário Almeida
Ricardo Ferreira
Pedro Rosado
Computer Science and Engineering
Bárbara Ramalho
Pedro Orvalho
Mechanical Engineering
André Carvalho
Diogo Oliveira 1st place
João Gouveia
João Oliveira
André Torcato
Matteo Piani 3rd place
Posters of PhD students
Aerospace Engineering
Alexandre Athayde
Girolamo Musso
Iara Figueiras
Fernanda Magalhães
Jialiang Shen
Sara Marzio
Ana Lúcia Tiago
Diana Marques
Diogo Dias
Duarte Almeida
Isabel Doutor
Joana Almeida
Maria Catarina Carreira
Pedro Marcelino
Biotechnology and Biosciences
Ana Maria Fernandes
Diogo Couceiro
Inês Vieira Costa
Isabel Martins
Janice Lopes
Joana Couceiro
João Almeida
Marco Teles
Matilde Marques
Pedro Gonçalves
Sebastião Tavares
Chemical Engineering
Andreia Figueiras
António Mariquito
Aparna Kunnath
Arij Ben Hassine
Bárbara de Jesus
Bruna Soares
Catarina Alves
Cristian Navas
Gabriela Caetano
Hugo Lapa
Inês Gomes da Silva
Luísa Chiavassa
Maria Teresa Nogueira
Mário Almeida
Ricardo Dias
Ricardo Ferreira
Shahmir Ali Nosherwani
Talita do Nascimento
Thomas Hietala
Gustavo Pinho Maia
Joana P. Costa
João Madeira Afonso
Civil Engineering
Carla Silva
Dany Kassim
Elżbieta Hamadyk
Issa Saket Oskou
Jéssica Bersch
Mariana Ormeche
Maria Teresa Ferreira
Seyedsajjad Hosseini
Climate Changes and Sustainable Development Policy
Sofia Ribeiro
Computational Engineering
Pedro Costa
Computer Science and Engineering
Catarina Fidalgo
Luis Gordete
Seyed Mirsadri
Ying Xu
Miguel Gomes
Roberta Lobarinhas
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Gonçalo Teixeira
Luís Crespo
Miguel Graça
Engineering and Management
Muhammad Islam
Vasco Silva
Engineering and Public Policy
Environment Engineering
Ana Paula Soares
Carolina Reis
Filipa Nunes
Ricardo Pinto
Materials Engineering
Lucas Marcelino
Mayra Akhtar
Muhammad Liaqat
Nishat Khan
Rita Serôdio
Tomás Seixas
Mechanical Engineering
Afonso Gusmão
Alexandre Gamboa
André Carvalho
Bruno Gouveia
Diogo Oliveira
João Oliveira
João Gouveia
Petroleum Engineering
Housameddin Sherif
André Torcato
Bernardo Barbosa
Bhushan Thakur
Bruno Oliveira
Diogo Silva
Filipe Cruz
Gonçalo Vaz
Henrique Legoinha
Lucas Fernández
Óscar Amaro
Pablo Bilbao
Rafael Almeida
Robert Babjak
Zahra Mohammadzadehchamazk
Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering
Catarina Mansilha
Sustainable Energy Systems
Henrique Santos
Technological Physics Engineering
Gonçalo Ribeiro
Gonçalo Teixeira
Territorial Engineering and Spatial Planning
Guilherme Ximenes
Julianno Amorim
Transportation Systems
Ana Karina Christ
Mauricio Fontalvo

Miguel Ayala Botto
Vice-President of the Scientific Council @ IST

Júlia Oliveira
Head of the Post-Graduation Area @ IST

Leonel Sousa
Coordinator of the Técnico Doctoral School

Dídia Covas
Full Professor @ DECivil/IST

Francisco Melo
Vice-President for Academic Affairs @ IST

Fátima Vaz
Full Professor @ DEM/IST

Miguel Teixeira
Full Professor @ DBE/IST

Pedro Orvalho
PhD Student @ DEI/IST
Opening Session & Welcome Reception to the new PhD Students
Rogério Colaço - President of IST
Miguel Ayala Botto - Vice-President of the Scientific Council
Luís Ferreira - Rector of ULisboa
Técnico Doctoral School
Leonel Sousa - Coordinator of the Técnico Doctoral School
Poster Session with coffee break
Invited Talk: "The importance of research and doctorates in the development of societies"
António Feijó - President of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Lunch break
Técnico Innovation Summit
Rogério Colaço - President of IST
Pedro Amaral - Vice-President for Operations and Enterprise Relationships @ IST
Navigating the Job Market - Part I
Miguel Gonçalves - CEO @ Magma Studio
Poster Session with coffee break
Navigating the Job Market - Part II
Miguel Gonçalves - CEO @ Magma Studio
Round Table: "Research in Artificial Intelligence: prospects, opportunities, and caveats"
Arlindo Oliveira - Full Professor @ DEI/IST
Mário Figueiredo - Full Professor @ DEEC/IST
Chrysoula Zerva - Assistant Professor @ DEI/IST
Sara Sá - Moderator/ Science Writer @ INESC-ID
Poster Session with coffee break
Alumni Session
Elsa Abranches - Senior Director @ AstraZeneca
Miguel Sérgio Lourenço -Technical Director @ JSJ, Structural Engineering
Carla Pepe Lewark - CEO @ Aerogearbox International
Lunch break
Round Table: "Every Step Matters: Stories from the PhD Journey"
Organized by the Técnico PhD Student Hub
Pitch Competition
Poster Session with coffee break
Presentation of the Conselho Nacional para a Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (CNCTI)
Luís Montenegro - Prime Minister
Fernando Alexandre - Minister of Education, Science and Innovation
Pedro Reis - Minister of Economy
Out of the Box Session: "What if ?... A conversation about mental health"
António Raminhos - humorist
Closing Ceremony & Port of Honor
Rogério Colaço - President of IST