PhD Open Days 2023 - 9th edition
More than one thousand PhD students sharing their researcInstituto Superior Técnico @ Salão Nobre
November, 15th
About the event
This is a major opportunity for more than one thousand PhD students to socialize and share their research with the academic community, companies, and alumni.
The event starts with the official launching of the new PhD School of IST. Then, the traditional Welcome Reception Ceremony for the new enrolled PhD students takes place. During the event there will be 3 plenary talks in cutting-edge research fields, one session with IST PhD alumni and a full-afternoon dedicated to job-market oriented talks and speed-dating with PhD employers. You shouldn’t miss the Pitch Competition and a permanent poster exhibition with the most recent PhD research work done at IST. The event ends with the traditional “Out of the Box” debate this time on the topic of leadership. The first day is fully dedicated to open “PhD Workshops” on selected themes from technical to soft skills.
You are all invited to attend the PhD Open Days from November 27 to 29 at the Assembly Hall (Salão Nobre) of IST.
Rules and Templates
Important information for Posters:
- Deadline for applications – November, 15
- Notifications of acceptance – November, 22
- Poster delivering at the Post-Graduation Area – until November, 24
- Poster template
Important information for the Pitch Competition:
- Deadline for applications – November, 15
- Notification of the selected participants – November, 22
- The “Best 3 Pitch presentations” will be awarded at the end of the Session
- Rules & prizes for the Pith Competition
Important information for the Session “Navigating the Job Market: A Step-by-Step Plan”:
- Deadline for applications – November, 15
- Notification of the selected participants – November, 22
09h30 – 12h30
How to prepare an excellent presentation (or at least an acceptable one)
Luís M. Correia - Full Professor @ DEEC/IST
09h30 – 11h00
Writing of the PhD Thesis and preparation of scientific documents
Jorge de Brito - Full Professor @ DECivil/IST
10h00 – 12h00
Well being & productivity during your PhD
Isabel Gonçalves - Technical Coordinator of the Academic Development Office/IST
14h00 – 16h00
Career development during and after the PhD
Rui Munhá - Science Officer in the Department of International Relations @ FCT
14h30 – 16h30
Science communication for researchers
Joana Lobo Antunes - Head of Communications @ IST
16h30 – 18h00
LaTeX 101 - A soft introduction to scientific typesetting
João Nuno Silva - Assistant Professor @ DEEC/IST
09h15 – 09h30
Opening Session
Rogério Colaço - President of IST
Miguel Ayala Botto - Vice-President of the Scientific Council
09h30 – 09h50
Presentation of the IST PhD School
Rogério Colaço - President of IST
Leonel Sousa - Full Professor @ DEEC/IST
09h50 – 10h30
Welcome Reception Ceremony of the new PhD students - FAQs & Presentation of the Técnico PhD Hub
Alexandre Francisco - Vice-President of the Management Board for Academic Affairs @ IST
Mário Gaspar da Silva - President of the Ethics Commission @ IST
Júlia Oliveira - Head of the Post-Graduation Area @ IST
Isabel Gonçalves - Technical Coordinator of the Academic Development Office @ IST
Patricia Lima - Coordinator of the Intellectual Property Unit @ TT/IST
Denise Matos- Head of the International Affairs @ IST
Gabriel Carvalho - Vice-President @ Técnico PhD Hub
10h30 – 11h00
Poster Session with coffee break
11h00 – 12h00
Invited Talk: "If you really want a deep AI challenge…. go to subsurface."
Amilcar Soares - Full Professor @ DER/IST
12h00 – 14h00
14h00 – 16h00
Navigating the Job Market: A Step-by-Step Plan - Part I
Magma Studio + Técnico PhD Hub
Miguel Gonçalves - CEO @ Magma Studio
Inês Pinho - Associate @ Faber
Sofia Santos - Partner @ Faber
16h00 – 16h30
Poster Session with coffee break
16h30 – 18h00
Navigating the Job Market: A Step-by-Step Plan - Part II
Magma Studio + Técnico PhD Hub
Miguel Gonçalves - CEO @ Magma Studio
Inês Pinho - Associate @ Faber
Sofia Santos - Partner @ Faber
09h30 – 10h30
Invited Talk: "The Road Towards an African Light Source"
Sekazi Kauze Mtingwa - Principal Partner @ TriSEED Consultants and Administrative Judge with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
10h30 – 11h00
Poster Session with coffee break
11h00 – 12h00
Alumni Session
André Neto - Instrumentation and Control Engineer @ Fusion For Energy
Nuno Diegues - Principal Engineer @ Cloudflare
Filipa Ferreira - Segment Leader @ Schaeffler
12h00 – 14h00
14h00 – 15h00
Invited Talk: "The art of manufacturing a fish fillet: a job for engineers?"
Frederico Ferreira - Associate Professor @ DBE/IST
15h00 – 16h30
Pitch Competition
16h30 – 17h00
Poster Session with coffee break
17h00 – 18h00
Out of the Box Session: “Leadership Profiles”
Nuno Lemos Pires - Army Major General / Special Operations, PhD
Pedro Afonso - CEO @ VINCI Energies in Portugal
Moderator: Isabel Ribeiro - Distinguished Professor (retired) @ IST
18h00 – 18h15
Closing Ceremony
Pedro Brogueira - President of the Scientific Council of IST
Welcome Reception
Alexandre Francisco
Vice-President of the Management Board for Academic Affairs/IST
Mário J. Silva
President of the Ethics Commission @ IST
Júlia Oliveira
Head of the Post-Graduation Area @ IST
Júlia Oliveira graduated in Social Sciences, Minor in Administrative Political Science.
Head of the Post-Graduation Area of the Instituto Superior Técnico, from January 2018 to the present date. Responsible for the Post-Graduation Academic Unit and Coordinator of the Lifelong Training Office, from February 2017 until December 2017. Coordinator of the Post-graduate and Advanced Training Unit of Instituto Superior Técnico, from June 2011 until January 2017. Management of the Administrative Areas (Academic Register and Front Office), interface with the Scientific Council and execution of administrative activities, from January 2005 until May 2011, at the Post-graduate and Advanced Training Unit of Instituto Superior Técnico. Execution of administrative activities in the Post-Graduate Section of Instituto Superior Técnico, from May 1990 until December 2004.
Other activities
Organization of the “PhD Open Days” event – 8 editions (considered as a good practice in IST in 2018);
Participation in juries for staff selection (as a member and as president);
Participation in seminars and workshops such as: “PRO`LABX – Introduction to the Service Design Methodology”; “General Data Protection Regulation – Impact on Public Administration 6 months after is application”; “Innovation in Public Administration Management”; “Administrative and Technological Modernization of the Universidade de Lisboa”
Participation in international projects (e.g. Project TIME Joint Thesis Defense; PhD training program (ATENAS) – E+ Strategic Partnership) and participation in Mobility under the Erasmus+ international credit mobility program at Université International de Rabat, Morocco.
Isabel Gonçalves
Technical Coordinator of the Academic Development Office/IST
Isabel Cristina Gonçalves graduated at the Faculdade de Psicologia (Psychology Faculty) of Universidade de Lisboa (University of Lisbon) in 1989, in the field of Psychotherapy and Counseling.
In 2001, she completed her training as a Psychotherapist at the Associação Portuguesa de Psicoterapia Comportamental e Cognitiva – APTCC (Portuguese Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapy), with a thesis entitled “Psychological Counseling Services at the University context – the role of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy”. Isabel is a Specialist Psychologist in Clinical and Health Psychology, and, also, in Educational Psychology. She holds the advanced specialties of Psychotherapy and Psychological Coaching, certified by the Portuguese Psychologists’ Association (Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses – OPP).
She was a founding member of the Professional Association “Rede de Serviços de Aconselhamento Psicológico no Ensino Superior” (Network of Psychological Counseling Services in Higher Education), and she implemented and coordinated the Serviço de Apoio Psicológico (Psychological Support Service) at the Instituto Superior Técnico, between 1993 and 2006. She was the Committee Chairwoman of the OPP’s Internships from 2011 to 2014.
She founded (in 2005) and coordinates up to today the Núcleo de Desenvolvimento Académico (Academic Development Office) at Instituto Superior Técnico (before called Gabinete de Apoio ao Tutorado – Tutoring Support Office). She has published several works in her fields of interest, and she has participated in many national and international research projects. Isabel is taking her PhD at the Faculdade de Psicologia of Universidade de Lisboa (University of Lisbon Psychology Faculty).
Patricia Lima
Coordinator of the Intellectual Property Unit @ TT/IST
Patricia Lima holds a Master’s Degree in Intellectual Property Law and is a Portuguese Patent Attorney and European Trademark and Design Attorney. She is the coordinator of the Intellectual Property Unit, which is part of the Technology Transfer Office at Instituto Superior Técnico.
Denise Matos
Head of the International Affairs/IST
Denise Matos has a Post-Graduation in International Relations, a M.A. in African Studies and completed her advanced PhD training course in Human Geography, specialization in European Public Policy. Currently, she coordinates the International Affairs Area at Instituto Superior Técnico ULisboa. She is involved in several European projects with emphasis in communication, internationalization strategies and entrepreneurship. She is the National representative of IAESTE Portugal, the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience. She has over 15 years of experience in international relations: in and outbound student mobility, international student recruitment, strategic partnerships, innovative academic programmes and student mobility issues.
Gabriel Carvalho
Vice-President @ Técnico PhD Hub
Gabriel Carvalho is a chemical engineer (MSc.) conducting his PhD in the field of green hydrogen production. Beyond his doctoral project, he pursues other meaningful challenges such as bringing together the doctoral community as Vice-President of Técnico PhD Hub and venturing across the coast of Tejo in his sailboat with friends and family, which he values the most.
Main Speakers
Nuno Lemos Pires
Army Major General / Special Operations, PhD
Nuno Lemos Pires, Army Major General / Special Operations, PhD, ( is the Defence Policy Director General at the Ministry of Defence. He holds a PhD in History, Defence and International Relations; a master’s
degree in military science; a postgraduate in Military History; BA in Human Resources Management and a War College Diploma.
He served in several units including: Platoon and Company Commander in Infantry School; Professor of Military History, Military Operations and Strategy at the PRT War College; Intel Officer at the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Spain; Military Assistant to the Commander at NATO Joint Command Lisbon; Mechanize Battalion Commander at the PRT Mechanized Brigade; Corps Cadet Commander, Deputy Commander, Coordinator of the PhD in History, Security Studies and Defence and Professor at the Military Academy; Training Director at the Combined Arms School; Defence Policy Deputy Director General at the Ministry of Defence; Commander of the European Union Training Mission in Mozambique (EUTM-Moz). During his assignments he participated in mission
in Mozambique (1995-1996 and 2021-2022), Angola (2000 and 2001), Pakistan (2005) and Afghanistan (2009-2010).
With 11 books published, he cooperated in more than 130 books, articles and projects written in Portuguese, Spanish and English, specially related to Military History, Strategy and International Relations.
Sekazi Kauze Mtingwa
Sekazi Kauze Mtingwa is Principal Partner @ TriSEED Consultants and Administrative Judge with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Sekazi Kauze Mtingwa is Principal Partner at TriSEED Consultants and Administrative Judge with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS),
and National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP). In the US, he co–founded NSBP and National Society of Hispanic Physicists, while internationally, he co–founded the African
Light Source Foundation, Union of Physicists from Portuguese Speaking Countries, African Laser Centre, African Physical Society, Julius Nyerere University of Agriculture and Technology in Tanzania, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Ghana, Lightsources for Africa, the Americas, Asia, Middle East, and Pacific (LAAAMP), X–TechLab in Benin, and Greater Caribbean Light Source initiative.
Mtingwa played an important role in designing and constructing accelerator systems at Fermilab used to discover the top quark. He is co–recipient of the APS’s 2017 Robert R.
Wilson Prize for Achievement in the Physics of Particle Accelerators for the theory of intrabeam scattering, which played a crucial role in the discovery of the top quark at
Fermilab, Higgs particle at CERN, quark–gluon plasma at Brookhaven National Laboratory, and achieving ultra–high brightness in the latest generation of synchrotron light sources. Mtingwa was the first African American to be awarded an APS prize, its highest category of honors.
Mtingwa received the 2015 Distinguished Service Award from the American Nuclear Society for chairing a 2008 study on 21st century nuclear workforce needs that led to the US Department of Energy’s allocating 20% of its nuclear fuel cycle R&D budget to university programs, thereby saving a number of those programs.
For his mentorship of students, Mtingwa received the 2017 US White House Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring. Mtingwa serves as President of InCREASE, which seeks to increase access to national laboratories by Minority–Serving Institutions, chaired the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics C13 Commission on Physics for Development, serves as Co–Chair of the Greater Caribbean Light Source Initiative, and served as Founding Deputy Chair of the African Light Source Foundation, for which he serves as Editor–in–Chief of the facility’s Conceptual Design Report.
For his research and work in creating STEM opportunities both in the US and around the globe, Mtingwa received the inaugural International Science Council’s 2021 Policy–for– Science Award and the AAAS’s 2023 Philip Hauge Abelson Prize.
Mtingwa received BS degrees in both physics and mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Master’s and Ph.D. from Princeton University.
Pedro Afonso
CEO @ VINCI Energies in Portugal
Pedro Afonso is the CEO of VINCI Energies in Portugal, a group that owns the brands Actemium, Axians, Sotécnica, Longo Plano, Omexom, and VINCI Facilities. He is a member of the Strategic Council for the Digital Economy of the Portuguese Industrial Confederation. Until 2017 he developed his career in several companies of the Novabase group, where he was a member of the executive committee. He is also Vice-President of the VINCI Citizenship Programme.
His work led him to launch the #movimentogivingback, which aims to share major challenges in the area of leadership development. He was also a signatory member of the Brands for Portugal movement, believing that it is possible to develop a country with more value through differentiation, innovation, and brands.
He took management training at the Universidade Católica – Advanced Management Program – and at Stanford University – Entrepreneurship for Venture Capital. At Técnico, he studied Computer Engineering.
Isabel Ribeiro
Distinguished Professor (retired) @ IST
Isabel Ribeiro is a retired Full Professor and Distinguished Professor of Robotics at the Instituto Superior Técnico and a senior researcher at the Institute for Systems and Robotics – Lisbon, which is part of the Associate Laboratory LARSyS. She undertakes mobile robotics research, field she pioneered in Portugal. She has coordinated national and international R&D projects in this topic and is especially engaged in promoting robotics to younger audiences. She is the author/co-author of 160+ scientific publications, a corresponding member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, and was named, in 2016, one of the “Women in Science” by the National Ciência Viva Agency. She has substantial experience in university management, particularly at Técnico, where she was, for four times, a member, and Vice-President of the Governing Board.
Leonel Sousa
Full Professor @ DEEC/IST
Leonel Sousa received the PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, in 1996. He is currently a full professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (DEEC) at IST, and a senior researcher at INESC-ID. he has been President of DEEC from 2017-2020, and President of INESC-ID in the periods 2011-2014 and 2018-2019. His research interests include computer architectures, high performance computing, and embedded systems. He is currently Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, and Senior Editor of the IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. Dr. Leonel Sousa is Fellow of the IET, Distinguished Scientist of the ACM, and IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Contributor.
Amílcar Soares
Full Professor @ DER/IST
Amílcar Soares – Full Professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon) and Visiting Professor at some other schools in UAE, Australia and Brasil. He was Distinguished Lecturer of International Association of Mathematical Geosciences. The most of his R&D work is focused on Geostatistics and Spatial Data Sciences methods applied to mineral and energy resources engineering.
Frederico Ferreira
Associate Professor @ DBE/IST
Fredederico Ferreira, is a Associate Professor @ Técnico Lisboa
Academic Titles
-PhD in Chemical Engineering
-MBA (Master of Business and Administration)
-BSc in Applied Chemistry, specialization in Biotechnology
Prof Frederico Ferreira is an Associate Professor at the Department of Bioengineering (DBE), Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), and leads, at Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience (iBB), the Focus Area Biomaterials and Devices for Advanced Medicine and the “Biomimetic and Bioinspired Materials and Processes Lab” Frederico Ferreira got his Ph.D. in 2004 from Imperial College London (IC), holds a MBA (2006-2008) and a BSc on Applied Chemistry (5 years degree with a 2 years specialization in Biotechnology), both from Nova University of Lisbon. He has the privilege to teach at DBE-IST courses such as Entrepreneurship in Bioengineering, Green Technologies and Strategic Management, Biomaterials Technology, Organ engineering and Topics in Bioengineering, among others.
Frederico Ferreira current research interests, balance between fundamental and applied research, with potential translation into the market of sustainable products and processes. The current research lines aim at the development of new processes, reactors and materials for:
1. Tissue engineering, with focus on the developing of electrical and magnetic stimuli responsive nanotechnologies, scaffolds and bio-inks for developing tissue constructs from stem cells and target cancer therapies exploring biophysical approaches;
2. Sustainable separations and biorefineries, including the use of membrane technology and design of molecular imprinted polymers with focus on pharmaceutics and food industry, as well as the use of unconventional yeasts for production of added value products, such as fuels, biosurfactants and enzymes from residues and wastes; and
3. Cellular Agriculture, with focus seafood products production with low ecological impact, namely by developing novel edible bio-inks and scaffolds made from algae and vegan materials and their use on strategies that foster tissue growth, maturation and organization into final food prototypes.
Miguel Gonçalves
CEO @ Magma Studio
André Neto
Instrumentation and Control Engineer @ Fusion For Energy
André C. Neto concluded the MSc and PhD degrees in Physics Engineering from the Technical University of Lisbon in 2003 and 2011, respectively. His PhD thesis concerned the real-time control infrastructure of the Joint European Torus (JET) vertical stabilization system. He worked as a researcher at the Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IPFN) from 2003 to 2007. Between 2007 and 2012, he was seconded to the Plasma Operations Group of the JET Tokamak (UK). Since 2013, he works in Fusion for Energy as a fusion diagnostics instrumentation and control engineer. His main interests lie in the development of bespoke instrumentation (hardware and software) for the operation and control of nuclear fusion devices.
Nuno Diegues
Principal Engineer @ Cloudflare
Nuno obtained his BSc, MSc and PhD all in Computer Engineering at Técnico. During those 9 years he did research at INESC, worked with the Fénix team and interned twice at Google. He then joined Feedzai and experienced the life of a fast growing startup, for 5 years, leading software engineers. More recently he became a Principal Engineer at Cloudflare, which protects over 20% of the Internet traffic (among many other things!).
Filipa Ferreira
Segment Leader @ Schaeffler
Filipa Ferreira is a passionate, adaptable business operations Segment Leader at Schaeffler German manufacturer of rolling element bearings for automotive and industrial business.
She holds a PhD in Engineering from IST in the framework of the MIT-Portugal program and a master in Biochemistry Engineering from IST (Instituto Superior Técnico).
Filipa started her career at the GlaxoSmithKline pharmaceutical Company Research and Development Centre in England working with nanofiltration and pervaporation membrane processes.
Throughout her academia path she worked with purification of antibodies with aqueous two-phase systems and Crude oil BioDesulfurization.
She worked at RENOVA on the product and process development of Personal Care products, Cosmetics and Biocides before joining Schaeffler in different areas (Process Technology optimization, Operational excellence, and leading manufacturing operations).
Jury of the Pitch Competition
Diogo Santos
Partner @ Deloitte
Luis Quinto
CINAMIL/Military Academy PRT
Luís Quinto is a Major in the Portuguese Army with 15 years of experience in Logistics and Maintenance. With a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, he has been a Professor at the Military Academy (Portugal) and a CINAMIL researcher since 2015. Luís specialized in exoskeletons, having participated in the development of several dual-purpose prototypes. His main interests include rehabilitation/human enhancement, additive manufacturing and project management. In his spare time, he likes cycling and hiking in nature.
André Pires
Senior Software Data Engineer @ BitSight
Susana Vieira
Associate Professor @ DEM/IST
Susana Vieira is an Associate Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon since 2020, and Principal Researcher at the Centre for Intelligent Systems of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IDMEC) since 2010. She holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering since 2010 in the area of Soft Computing Applied to Machine Learning, Data Analysis and Optimization. She was an Invited Teacher at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands in 2009, and she was a visiting Scholar at MIT, Boston, USA and a Visiting Researcher at the Division of Clinical Informatics of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in 2014. She has extensive experience in the application of Artificial Intelligence in projects with Industry. Her research focuses on the development of Computational Intelligence algorithms in different areas such as Health, Energy or Industry.
Luis Veiga
Associate Professor @ DEI/IST
Rui Munhá
Science Officer in the Department of International Relations @ FCT
Rui Munhá has been a Science Officer in the Department of International Relations of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) since 2014. In 2020, he was appointed Coordinator of the National Contact Points in the Pillar of Scientific Excellence and in the Widening & ERA Part of Horizon Europe. Rui Munhá is also a National Delegate/National Contact Point for the European Research Council and for Widening&ERA, and he is a member of the Governing Board and Executive Board of the COST Association (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).
Rui Munhá obtained a PhD in Chemistry in 2011, and he developed his scientific activity at the University of Lisbon, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada), University of California (Irvine, USA) and the University of Aveiro, co-authoring 20 articles in international journals with over 500 citations, in addition to several invited oral communications. Rui was born in Lisbon, in 1979.
Title: Career development during and after the PhD.
Regardless of what career one aspires, it is always important to keep thinking about career opportunities and the acquisition of new skills and competences. Research activities have become inextricably linked to collaborative processes, to an international environment, and, more frequently than ever, to non-academic entities. As a result, professional pathways are less linear, and they are characterised by mobility and career development actions which cross scientific areas, types of entities, and borders.
This interactive and informative session will focus on the opportunities associated with the European Union key funding programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe. It will target mechanisms for early-stage researchers to enlarge their networks, as well as the presentation of flagship programmes which have a global dimension, like the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and the European Research Council (ERC). “Planning is bringing the future into the present.”
Jorge de Brito
Full Professor @ DECivil/IST
Luis M. Correia
Full Professor @ DEEC/IST
Luis M. Correia was born in Portugal, in 1958. He received the Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from IST (University of Lisbon) in 1991, where he is currently a Professor in Telecommunications, with his work focused on Wireless/Mobile Communications in the areas of propagation, channel characterisation, radio networks, traffic, and applications, with the research activities developed in the INESC-ID institute. He has acted as a consultant for the Portuguese telecommunications operators and regulator, besides other public and private entities, and has been in the Board of Directors of a telecommunications company. Besides being responsible for research projects at the national level, he has participated in 31 projects within European frameworks, having coordinated 6 and taken leadership responsibilities at various levels in many others. He has supervised more than 200 M.Sc./Ph.D. students, having edited 6 books, contribute to European strategic documents, and authored more than 500 papers in international and national journals and conferences, for which served also as a reviewer, editor and board member. Internationally, he was part of 36 Ph.D. juries, and 63 research projects and institutions evaluation committees for funding agencies in 12 countries and the European Commission. He has been the Chairman of Conference, of the Technical Programme Committee and of the Steering Committee of various major conferences, besides other several duties. He was a National Delegate to the COST Domain Committee on ICT. He was active in the European Net!Works platform, by being an elected member of its Expert Advisory Group and of its Steering Board, and the Chairman of its Working Group on Applications, and was also elected to the European 5G PPP Association. He has launched and served as Chairman of the IEEE Communications Society Portugal Chapter.
Title: “How to prepare an excellent presentation (or at least an acceptable one)”
The workshop addresses the guidelines on how to prepare an excellent presentation of one’s work, which can range from a paper in a conference to a thesis before a committee. The workshop intends to be very interactive, so participants are requested to send in advance examples of presentations they have previously given, one of them being chosen to start the workshop. Afterwards, one presents the key aspects to take into consideration when preparing a presentation, considering structure of information and identification of the audience’s expectations and constraints. Then, a detailed view on how to prepare the actual presentation information is addressed, accounting for all existing recommendations. The logistics involved in giving a presentation are also shown. The initial presentation is given again, modified according to the recommendations, in order to highlight the differences. Conclusions are presented at the end.
João Nuno Silva
Assistant Professor @ DEEC/IST
João is an Assistant Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon University, Portugal. He has a PhD in Computer Science and has been doing research in Distributed Systems ate INESC-ID, with a main focus on the mobile computing.
Title:”LaTeX 101 – A soft introduction to scientific typesetting”
Joana Lobo Antunes
Head of Communications @ IST
Head of Communications at Instituto Superior Técnico. Lecturer in Science Communication and Social Media for Scientists at FCSH NOVA and Universidade Nova de Lisboa Doctoral School. Coordinator of science radio show 90 Segundos de Ciência. Founder and current President of Portuguese Science Communicators Network SciComPT.
Former Head of Communications at ITQB NOVA (2016-2019), former Director at Centro Ciência Viva de Sintra (2014-2016), former researcher in Promotion and Administration of Science and Technology (2012-2015).
“Science isn’t finished unless it is communicated”, as stated by Sir Mark Walport translates in a very simple way that doing research isn’t an end to itself. Until the knowledge created in the research units is translated into something meaningful for lay audiences it hasn’t yet fulfilled its purpose. We will discuss ways that can be used by researchers to better convey their messages to the non experts, be it fundamental or applied science, and do some simple exercises to get PhD students started down this path.
Isabel Gonçalves
Technical Coordinator of the Academic Development Office/IST
Isabel Cristina Gonçalves graduated at the Faculdade de Psicologia (Psychology Faculty) of Universidade de Lisboa (University of Lisbon) in 1989, in the field of Psychotherapy and Counseling.In 2001, she completed her training as a Psychotherapist at the Associação Portuguesa de Psicoterapia Comportamental e Cognitiva – APTCC (Portuguese Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapy), with a thesis entitled “Psychological Counseling Services at the University context – the role of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy”. Isabel is a Specialist Psychologist in Clinical and Health Psychology, and, also, in Educational Psychology. She holds the advanced specialties of Psychotherapy and Psychological Coaching, certified by the Portuguese Psychologists’ Association (Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses – OPP).
She was a founding member of the Professional Association “Rede de Serviços de Aconselhamento Psicológico no Ensino Superior” (Network of Psychological Counseling Services in Higher Education), and she implemented and coordinated the Serviço de Apoio Psicológico (Psychological Support Service) at the Instituto Superior Técnico, between 1993 and 2006. She was the Committee Chairwoman of the OPP’s Internships from 2011 to 2014.
She founded (in 2005) and coordinates up to today the Núcleo de Desenvolvimento Académico (Academic Development Office) at Instituto Superior Técnico (before called Gabinete de Apoio ao Tutorado – Tutoring Support Office). She has published several works in her fields of interest, and she has participated in many national and international research projects. Isabel is taking her PhD at the Faculdade de Psicologia of Universidade de Lisboa (University of Lisbon Psychology Faculty).
Title: “Well being & productivity during your PhD”
During this two hour workshop, PhD students will be invited to reflect on what dimensions are relevant for their productivity and for their wellbeing.
PhD students will also be invited to develop working schedules that support and balance these two dimensions, including some ideas on time management, stress management and personal development.
PhD students’ relationship with colleagues and supervisor, including the management of networking activities will also be considered.
Pitch competition with PhD Students
Ana Tiago
Diana Marques 3rd place
Biotechnology and Biosciences
Jorge João
Chemical Engineering
Ana Catarina Alves
Mª Carolina Sequeira 1st place
João Afonso
Pedro Rosado
Civil Engineering
Seyed Rezvani
Computer Science and Engineering
Francisco Calisto 2nd place
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Eliana Silva
Ricardo Lameirinhas
Engineering and Management
Mohsen Motamedimoghadam
Environment Engineering
Inês Ribeiro
Manuel Santos
André Torcato
Bernardo Barbosa
Luis Rojas
Róbert Babjak
Technological Physics Engineering
Carlo Alfisi
Territorial Engineering and Spatial Planning
Gustavo Santos
Posters of PhD students
Biomedical Engineering
Biotechnology and Biosciences
Jeremias Muazeia
Jorge João
Chemical Engineering
Ana Alves
Ana Gonçalves
Bárbara Jesus
Daniela Spataru
Filipe Figueiredo
Gabriela Caetano
Inês Silva
Ivo Paulo
Luísa Chiavassa
Maria Nogueira
Miguel Silva
Rafaela Neves
Ricardo Dias
Ricardo Ferreira
Shahmir Nosherwani
Artem Petrosian
João Afonso
Pedro Rosado
Civil Engineering
Mariana Ormeche
Rafaela Almeida
Seyed Rezvani
Computer Science and Engineering
Diogo Carvalho
Diogo Lopes Vaz
Francisco Calisto
Noha Mokhtar
Pedro Orvalho
Ricardo Brancas
Alfredo Gomes
Ana Duarte
Roberta Lobarinhas
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Catarina Bernardo
Eliana Silva
Gonçalo Pais
Pedro Martin
Pedro Cachim
Pedro Valdeira
Ricardo Lameirinhas
Rui Bettencourt
Valter Piedade
Engineering and Management
Mohsen Motamedimoghadam
Environment Engineering
Alicia Soto
Manuel Santos
Materials Engineering
Catarina Vieira
Diogo Machacaz
Kaveh Rahmani
Ricardo Martins
Sofia Fernandes
Tomás Seixas
Mechanical Engineering
Francisco Vieira
Luís Martins
Aditya Batra
André Torcato
Bernardo Barbosa
Camilla Willim
Chiara Badiali
Diogo Carvalho
Filipe Cruz
Gonçalo Vaz
João Duarte
Jorge Patiño
Krinio Marouda
Lucas Fernández
Luis Rojas
Óscar Amaro
Pablo Bilbao
Rafael Almeida
Ricardo Barrué
Róbert Babjak
Rui Torres
Zahra Mohammadzadehchamazkoti
Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Technological Physics Engineering
Ana Ribeiro
Bernardo Malaca
Carlo Alfisi
Francisco Matos
Guilherme Brites
Territorial Engineering and Spatial Planning
Miguel Ayala Botto
Vice-President of the Scientific Council @ IST
Júlia Oliveira
Head of the Post-Graduation Area @ IST
Horácio Fernandes
Associate Professor @ DF/IST
Ana Carvalho
Associate Professor @ DEG/IST
Luís Veiga
Associate Professor @ DEI/IST
Manuel Sardinha
PhD Student @ IST
How to prepare an excellent presentation (or at least an acceptable one)
Luís M. Correia - Full Professor @ DEEC/IST
Writing of the PhD Thesis and preparation of scientific documents
Jorge de Brito - Full Professor @ DECivil/IST
Well being & productivity during your PhD
Isabel Gonçalves - Technical Coordinator of the Academic Development Office/IST
Career development during and after the PhD
Rui Munhá - Science Officer in the Department of International Relations @ FCT
Science communication for researchers
Joana Lobo Antunes - Head of Communications @ IST
LaTeX 101 - A soft introduction to scientific typesetting
João Nuno Silva - Assistant Professor @ DEEC/IST
Opening Session
Rogério Colaço - President of IST
Miguel Ayala Botto - Vice-President of the Scientific Council
Presentation of the IST PhD School
Rogério Colaço - President of IST
Leonel Sousa - Full Professor @ DEEC/IST
Welcome Reception Ceremony of the new PhD students - FAQs & Presentation of the Técnico PhD Hub
Alexandre Francisco - Vice-President of the Management Board for Academic Affairs @ IST
Mário Gaspar da Silva - President of the Ethics Commission @ IST
Júlia Oliveira - Head of the Post-Graduation Area @ IST
Isabel Gonçalves - Technical Coordinator of the Academic Development Office @ IST
Patricia Lima - Coordinator of the Intellectual Property Unit @ TT/IST
Denise Matos- Head of the International Affairs @ IST
Gabriel Carvalho - Vice-President @ Técnico PhD Hub
Poster Session with coffee break
Invited Talk: "If you really want a deep AI challenge…. go to subsurface."
Amilcar Soares - Full Professor @ DER/IST
Navigating the Job Market: A Step-by-Step Plan - Part I
Magma Studio + Técnico PhD Hub
Miguel Gonçalves - CEO @ Magma Studio
Inês Pinho - Associate @ Faber
Sofia Santos - Partner @ Faber
Poster Session with coffee break
Navigating the Job Market: A Step-by-Step Plan - Part II
Magma Studio + Técnico PhD Hub
Miguel Gonçalves - CEO @ Magma Studio
Inês Pinho - Associate @ Faber
Sofia Santos - Partner @ Faber
Invited Talk: "The Road Towards an African Light Source"
Sekazi Kauze Mtingwa - Principal Partner @ TriSEED Consultants and Administrative Judge with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Poster Session with coffee break
Alumni Session
André Neto - Instrumentation and Control Engineer @ Fusion For Energy
Nuno Diegues - Principal Engineer @ Cloudflare
Filipa Ferreira - Segment Leader @ Schaeffler
Invited Talk: "The art of manufacturing a fish fillet: a job for engineers?"
Frederico Ferreira - Associate Professor @ DBE/IST
Pitch Competition
Poster Session with coffee break
Out of the Box Session: “Leadership Profiles”
Nuno Lemos Pires - Army Major General / Special Operations, PhD
Pedro Afonso - CEO @ VINCI Energies in Portugal
Moderator: Isabel Ribeiro - Distinguished Professor (retired) @ IST
Closing Ceremony
Pedro Brogueira - President of the Scientific Council of IST